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Image by Drew Beamer


Image by Vashishtha Jogi

Are you ready to elevate your musical journey to new heights? Introducing our MCX Mentorship Program – the ultimate experience for composers seeking personalized guidance and expertise.


Unleash your creativity, refine your skills, and set yourself on the path to where you want to be.

Why Choose Our Mentorship Program?

Personalized Guidance

Benefit from one-on-one sessions with seasoned mentors who are passionate about nurturing your unique musical journey. Receive customized lesson plans tailored to your skill level, goals, and musical preferences.

Image by Ben Pattinson
Microphone Sound Editing

Comprehensive Curriculum

Dive deep into a diverse range of musical genres, theory, composition, and recording techniques. Our mentors are experts in various facets of musical knowledge and production, ensuring a well-rounded and enriching learning experience.

Real-World Insights

Gain invaluable insights from professionals who have navigated the music industry. Learn the tricks of the trade, industry trends, and how to make your mark in the competitive world of music.

Earth Projection

Flexible Scheduling

Life is busy, and we understand. Our program offers flexible scheduling options, allowing you to pursue your passion for music at your own pace without compromising on quality mentorship.

Select your Program

Writing for Strings

Making a string section sound great is not just about 4 part harmony, there's a lot more to it. Find out the best ways to make a string section sing to your music.

Violin and Music Sheet

Music evaluation

This is not a critique of your music, but more of an outsiders perspective. Address any of your writing concerns or just get some advice on how to move forward with your music.

Image by Eric Nopanen

Recording piano at home

Believe it or not, throwing a microphone in front of a piano isn't going to always give you a great sound. Find out how to get the sound you need for your music.

Piano Keys

How to start/run a record label

If you enjoy helping and supporting other artists then why not start your own label. Find out the ins and outs of running your own label.

Image by Clay Banks

Music Knowledge 101

Start realizing your full potential by gaining more understanding of the fundamentals of music. This is not a learn to read music program but rather instruction on how to gain insights by understanding some simple principles of music.

Image by Tallie Robinson

The realities of SYNC Licensing

Remove the veil and find out what’s sync licensing all about and is it the right fit for you.

Image by Haydon Curteis-Lateo


From idea to finished piece. There are some tips to make your music writing more efficient. Also, how to kick start ideas when you feel uninspired.

Image by Dayne Topkin

Writing for Violin/Viola/Cello

Hear from session musicians themselves and from a composing view point when writing for these beautiful instruments. What to consider, range, type of musician to suit your music and how to score music for these musicians.

Image by Maksym Kaharlytskyi

Streaming Success Video Course

Image by Elijah Merrell

Streaming Success

Learn the strategies to earning music streaming income.

A full video course that covers all aspects of making money through music streaming alone.

These strategies have been proven to work by artists all over the world. Work hard play hard is the main theme.

There's lot's to learn and lot's to do! 

Some of the topics covered:

1. Myth busting - Some things we need to cover off before we blow your mind.

2. Three ways to go - 3 strategies that are all different but working together can and will bring results.

3. Time to get started - Its time to dive in and start doing.

4. The other things that matter - Look inside to find the how to's on socialising.

5. Building even bigger things - Talk about ways to greater success riding on the coat tails of others.

6. Tools - How to use them.

7. Sell me this Pen - Look the best and you'll be the best.

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